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2. «The top of Babel: a Musical “Passage"»

International Architectural Competition entitled "Tokyo Music Center", for the Design of a Music Center in Tokyo. May 2015
Collaborators: Panagiota Stylianidou, Dimitrios Theodorou (photorealism)

Proposal description:
Beyond the design of a 2,000-seat music hall, with the necessary facilities and a multitude of complementary and auxiliary spaces, the main request of the competition explicitly referred to a configuration capable of introducing new ways of expressing the relationships between music and architecture. Among the many – if not infinite – ways to express the relationships between music and architecture (or other creative-synthetic activities governed by the aesthetic concepts of "rhythm", "depth", "atmosphere", "harmony" etc. or which are made manageable through the use of similar "antistatic" techniques), a prominent position is reasonably occupied by the architecture of musical instruments, a typical characteristic of which is the morphological rendering of a special form of the logarithmic scaling of musical tones.
This general mathematical rule is adopted as a basic design principle for almost every architectural element of the present composition of a Music Center in Tokyo, with a view to expanding its functional benefits, its aesthetic (and ethical) qualities, its symbolic importance and its general special interest of, in a way that claims the character of an original example for a Musical Architecture!
The central idea of ​​the main structure is based on the logic of the "musical spiral", i.e. the specific logarithmic sequence of the 12 sound frequencies (tones-semitones) of a musical octave, as depicted as a series of 12 linear elements of correspondingly variable length, which are arranged radially, at equal relative angles (30°), so that each complete revolution corresponds to one musical octave. The spiral in question is rendered architecturally in three dimensions, as an external ramp leading from the ground level to the roof of the main building. Basic
the pursuit of this option is the maximum functional - "organic" integration of the external surface of the building - and especially its roof - into the public space of the city, according to the standards of the so-called landscape architecture.
More specifically, a maximum circle of radius r= 24m is defined as the main foundation of the construction (which is chosen as optimal in relation to the specific data of the present case). From a specific point of the perimeter of the circle, which is chosen mainly based on the accesses favored by the given plot, the spiral ramp (constantly parallel variation of radius – height) starts with a curvature suitable to lead in a smooth way from the ground level to the circular (r=9m) roof-roof of the building, after a rotation during 11/12 of the circle (the remaining 1/12 is used as the necessary "opening" that allows the configuration of the entrances, along the ramp and into the building ).
Then, by combining a) the base circle with the outer side of the ramp and b) the circle of the roof with the inner side of the ramp, two "circular - spiral" surfaces are obtained, whose width-height varies logarithmically, by opposite rotation times. The second - "inner" surface acquires a double curvature, turning the curves outwards, for the sake of spatial comfort inside but also to provide additional volumetric "resistance". The surfaces are connected on one side by a characteristic sharp-pointed conical stem, almost like two fabrics on a needle. The two basic spiral surfaces that make up the shell are further processed, as they are broken down into equal radii, producing two series of similar elements (in the form of large blinds), positioned so as to represent two (apparently) continuous self-rotating movements (also of opposite direction) . These manipulations are evaluated as being able to simultaneously provide a) structural stability of construction, b) controlled semi-transparency of boundaries (for natural lighting during the day and the ability to perceive the interior at night) and c) an appropriate natural sound quality management system (sound reflection, sound absorption, amplification/damping) inside the main hall.
The parameterized landscape formation that results, beyond providing a shell capable of meeting the complex architectural requirements, alongside the performance of a sufficiently interesting - "musical" urban square, can be understood as a symbolic reference - a reference to the spiral form of "Babel" , an archetypal symbol – first of all – of the multiculturalism that (should) be an element of a music hall with a global reach. The two apparently continuous self-rotating movements of the blinds of each surface, beyond the functional provision of a "continuous" distribution of the desired openings of the building, can be understood as a symbolic reference to the relative movements a) of the Earth "around" the sun and b) of the Moon "around
from the earth. It is perhaps unnecessary to stress the undeniably universal (timeless and cross-cultural) significance of the spiral, both on an aesthetic-symbolic level – e.g. as an archetypal expression of the paradoxical – “permanent” topology of perpetual interscale self-similarity (fractal), with its strong ontological ramifications – as well as critically functional, as e.g. recognized by ecology as the simplest way to maximize the “ecotone” or the "edge effect" inside a given area-surface. In general, this spiral structure can also be understood as a reference (functional and symbolic) to the similarly spiral structure of the "labyrinth" of the human ear, which is directly connected to the "logarithmic" reception of sound tonality - and, by extension, the of "musicality" – on behalf of the human mind.
To highlight this condition, a series of metal tubes capable of producing a continuous sequence of musical tones is incorporated in an overlap towards the outer edge of the curved louvers (arising from the 'inner', double-curved spiral surface). This adjustment is made so that the change in the "height" of the sound frequencies produced by the tubes corresponds to the height change of the level of the ramp. In this way, the spiral urban route to "the top of Babel" constitutes a "passage", simultaneously spatial and musical (a sequence of musical tones), giving the building the quality of a giant musical instrument, capable of being "played" a) in a percussive way, through the conscious influence of people at the base of the pipes, and/or b) in a wind-driven way, through the accidental influence of the wind in the holes in their tops! After erasing an angle of 330° (11/12 of the circle (corresponding to the 12 notes), the outer circle does not close, but its circumference presents a bend, "attracted" by a strong point element ("dot"), ending up looks like a Latin question mark (a typical symbol of the Question/Riddle/Riddle in general).The imaginary line connecting this point to the imaginary center of the spiral indicates the exact direction North (on which the pointed stem grows), in a way that forms (top view) a symbolic "key-of-sol", perhaps the most widespread symbol of (western) music in general.
In accordance with the basic design logic of the main part of the building and the general layout of the configuration, a series of complementary architectural elements are proposed, able to expand the functional, aesthetic, symbolic and "musical" significance of the project. For example: The "organic" solar calendar Centered on the point that indicates the "period" of the symbolic Latin question mark, a peculiar arched structure is developed, the form of which is based on the spherical representation of the (apparent) annual orbit of of the sun in the "sky dome", as seen from a specific geographical location3. Specifically, on the circular foundation that defines the base of the (notional) hemispherical dome, seven tubes of constant cross-section are developed, in the form of a structural "skeleton". The 6 intervals - zones between these tubes correspond to the basic orbits of the sun during each month of a full year4. Along these zones, six rows of copper conical tubes are arranged, arranged radially to the center of the imaginary sphere (so that the axis of each tube roughly corresponds to a specific time of day). The relative sizes of the tubes vary logarithmically, depending on the length/diameter ratio required to produce appropriate musical tones.
At the same time, in addition to a shelter - standing area, a sundial-calendar (as a monument to the specific geographical location) and a musical instrument, the structure in question can also function as an energy generator, through the many possible ways of collection and storage of the large amount of solar energy impinging on (or affecting) its surface
indirectly). "Economic Attractor": an interactive "post-Totem" (see previous section) Domino-Flute: a musical parapet The metallic construction of the protective boundary that separates the street level from the elevation gradient that provides the main entrance to the building follows the logic of a "Diaper Pipe". Additionally, the tubes of the metal lumen are arranged to conceivably render an instantaneous "frame" of a domino process. The general shape of the resulting (interrupted) surface can be recognized as an "arrow" shape aimed at the building's main entrance.

Musical staircase-stand
A similar logic of musical scaling obeys the shape of the staircase leading to the level of the lower main entrance, as it emerges between the straight line of the parapet and the curved side of the circular outdoor ramp. Beyond the obvious – due to width – possibility of the staircase to function as an outdoor public theater, the logarithmic variation in the length of the steps favors their configuration in such a way that each one corresponds to a specific musical tone, which can be produced (mechanically and/or electronically) through impact or pressure (e.g. by pressing the foot).

The "modelphone"
On the top exterior level of the building (rooftop), one can discover a metal 3D model of the main building (scale: 1/10), which renders its basic form-structural elements. Beyond the multiple aesthetic-sensory benefits of being able to perceive a building to scale, we must emphasize that the specific model can be provided as a musical instrument (in the logic of the metallophone), open to playful interaction, in a real (and of course public ) space and time.

The "upside down" roof
Between the "real" building and the roof mock-up, a third model (in scale: 1 / 3.33) can fit. It is exactly this medium scale, where another model of the building is turned upside down to form a suitable sound reflector system for the interior of the hall.

The "anti-solar" Organ
The logic behind the "organic" solar calendar (OSH) provides a more coherent idea for the formation of the hall instrument, which is placed at the point corresponding to the position of the OSH in the "upside down ceiling" model. In this position, perhaps the most pivotal, structural and functional element of the building is placed: a vertical tubular pillar of expanded width, inside which the double central elevator system is placed. On the top (inner) level of the pylon, just above the upper level of the central lift, there is the possibility of rendering a small room, which can be implemented as a special "hidden" chamber for the organist (accessible by a secondary lift system).

The Polar "Needle"
As in the classical sundial concept, the characteristically resonant stem, in addition to "pointing" (apparently or indirectly) to the direction of North, is placed at a certain angle from the horizontal plane so as to aim at the pole star (which is almost identified with the apparent center of rotation of the night sky). To highlight this important feature, a laser device can be placed at the end of the shaft of said stem, which will provide, during the night, a colored light beam, visible from far enough away to affect the entire city, thus providing an evocative means of night orientation!



1. "Landship Argo": an eco-interactive museum about Argo

Panhellenic Architectural competition for the "Construction of an interactive and bioclimatic museum for "Argo"" in the city of Volos, with
aimed at protecting and highlighting the statue of an ancient pentagon and telling the story of the myth of the Argonautic campaign. March 2014.

Proposal Summary:
The synthetic starting point of the proposal for the museum that will house the modern "Argo" - the faithful representation of a mythical ship of the greatest symbolic value for the world history of mythology - was an idea of ​​a building form - a structure identical to the form-structure of the real ship - adapted to the special functional, static - construction and aesthetic requirements of a modern museum building. In particular, the hull of the ship is subject to an enlargement of the order of 2.5/1, which, after relevant experiments, was judged to be the most appropriate to cover the required needs in the given space. Through this basic choice, it is sought to satisfy, in the best possible way, a basic "double" request: the production of an emblematic urban landmark and a museum type, such as to give a new metropolitan identity to the city of Volos, and to constitutes a cultural "attractor" of global scope, without, however, the building itself competing in size and symbolic weight with its central exhibit.
Besides the synthetic gesture of "enlarging" an existing form-structure, the challenge lies in finding ways for the central exhibit and the museum (along with its outdoor space) to be "organically" connected, at all levels, by the aesthetic, symbolic/conceptual, as the functional, the static-constructive and the ecological, with the aim not only of meeting the given functional requirements but also of their dynamic expansion in the wider area of ​​the city.
The stages of synthetic processing are as follows:
1. "Section" of the ship along its axis of symmetry,
2. Rotation of the two resulting sections by 90 degrees, with a common axis and in the opposite direction, so that two identical volumes, placed opposite each other, result.
3. The intermediate empty section remaining after the rotation is going to be the main area of ​​the museum.

The ship - exhibit is placed in between these two main volumes (in a way that gives the impression of the passage through the "Sympligades Petras"). The selection of the individual spatial units that make up the overall structure of the museum space is based on the general breakdown of the ship into four main sections:
a) "Tropis"/ Tropida - Keel, b) "Pyxis"/ Compass - Plorn, c) "Sail" and d) Stern".
The positioning of the elements of the museum on the given surface, beyond the structural dismemberment of the completed building, which makes the organic relationship between them more tangible, attempts to highlight the uniqueness of each element separately, additionally charging it with the aesthetic performance of a multitude of conceptual references and symbolic connections related to the legend of the Argonautic expedition and its characteristic climaxes.




3. Rolling Powertopia. a "Playscape of Regenerative Polyculture" in the former lignite minining area of DEI  
(Public Electricity Enterprise) in the city of Ptolemaida.

Panhellenic Architectural Ideas Competition entitled: "Redevelopment and Reuse of former lignite mining areas in the region of Western Macedonia". January 2016 

Collaborators: Vassilis Vasiliadis, Iulia Iliadi, Panagiota Stylianidou, Konstantinos Christodoulidis 

The regenerative polyculture eco-play park 'Rolling - Powertopia' seeks to form an expanded ecosystem, governed on the one hand by the production and transport of alternative forms of energy, on the other hand by the continuous flow and recycling of water resources. At the same time, agro-ecological crops (sold at a local market), recreation areas, sports and educational entertainment forms of Play & Games, constitute a set of uses of a remunerative character, which can be self-shaped over time, through the participation of the inhabitants and of visitors to the park’s life, serving as a model for further interventions. In particular, the proposal is analyzed in six individual levels, focusing on the formation of the natural relief, the ecological management of water resources and plantings, the drawing of an expanded network of routes and constructions of multiple uses, which make up a net of interdependent functional units. 



4. «Patras ex-Port: a Playful Polyculture Park in the old Port of Patras»

Panhellenic Architectural Competition for the "Redevelopment of the Old Port of Patras". June 2016. 
Collaborators: Panagiota Stylianidou, Alexandros Georgakopoulos (Poster 2 renderings) 

The general objective of the proposal concerns the transformation of the area of the Old Port of Patras into an intensively active part of the public space of the city, in the perspective of its wider appropriation, first and foremost by the local community, alongside a clear desire to render a supra-local pole of attraction, of international scope. The interventions aim at the functional enrichment, the environmental-bioclimatic restoration, the aesthetic upgrading and the necessary financial return. 
In the first phase, emphasis is placed on the extensive areas of the front deemed suitable for mild, economically-technically feasible and accessible rehabilitation and functional activation interventions, with modern ecological materials of low construction and maintenance requirements, as well as with the maximum possible utilization of existing equipment. In the next phase, emphasis is placed on the development of architectures with a stronger functional and symbolic presence, suitable for morphological and constructional refinements. 
Based on the above, the design attempts to render a harmonious-opposite relationship between various geometric forms, structured and spaced in such a way so as to respond satisfactorily to the different functional requests posed by each case. These requests, which compose a complex functional and morphological-structural "biodiversity", yielding an attractive urban "ecosystem", governed by multiplicity, adaptability and flexibility - resilience. With these data, alongside the requirement to maintain a port function for "cruise" ships (in the northern and central port basin), we proposed the formation of a network of multiple - mutually complementary urban functions, which can include activities such as: a) Culture (Patras/Train Museum, Concert Hall), b) Education (Urban Workshops, Municipal Conservatory), c) Commerce (Central Food Market, stores), d) Residence-Accommodation (student residences, hotel), e) Energy and Food Production (urban forest gardens, "hydroponic" crops - Aquaponics) and of course f) Recreation and Entertainment (refreshment bars, cafe-restaurants, themed squares, amusement parks, etc.).



5. Playful Poly-Culture. An “Ecosophic” Park in SW Attica.

Panhellenic Architectural Competition for the “Regeneration of the 640 acres of the former Port-Industrial Area of Drapetsonas' Fertilisers”. 
Collaborators: Panagiota Stylianidou, Konstantinos Ktistakis, Aggelos Tzortzis

Apart from the attribution of places and functions relative to a green park (plantations and structures for leisure, recreation, entertainment, education, culture, sports, commerce etc.), at first we seek to set up an example of integrated ecological management of the wider urban ecosystem, through the application of systems for: a) fresh water retention, recycling and production out of natural desalination of the sea water and b) electric power production from renewable resources, namely solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and human, aiming for a complete water and energy self-sufficiency. 
    Additionally, in order to develop broader operational links with the whole city and to further highlight the historical and ideological significance of the area (beyond the logic of traditional museums), we propose a functional expansion of the park through the inclusion of a directly productive dimension. Such a dimension could be perceived as "industrial", in the sense of systematization and relatively large-scale, but attempts to be supported by radically different ecological practices, able to annihilate the negative environmental and social impacts of traditional industrial production (air-soil-noise pollution, bad odors, high demands in human toil etc.), while providing a privileged field for relevant educational applications.
To that prospect, we focus on agricultural production through the pilot application of Permaculture2 principles in Landscape Design, supported by special Aquaponic Irrigation systems. Accordingly, we aim to provide extended areas for cultivation, in the open-air or in geothermal greenhouses, suitable for the development of mixed food-forest-gardens, through multiple guilds of fruit trees, vegetables and botanical-aromatic plant species (bushes, herbs, crops, groundcover etc.). All edible products can be offered for immediate consumption in the refreshment rooms and the restaurant of the park, along with the possibility of being put on a public market, which is also provided in the park.
    In the same sense, we propose the retention, restoration and reuse of some of the old industrial facilities with new productive procedures-functions, in the general direction of the ecological management of urban waste, organic and inorganic. A rather obvious (and probably the most appropriate) proposal for productive re-use of a former Chemical Fertilizer Plant focuses on the pilot implementation of a Natural Fertilizer Production Process, through modern ecological practices for the collection, sorting and composting of organic wastes, potentially derived from the whole city ​​(houses, restaurants, hotels etc.). Especially for this purpose, we propose the reuse of the characteristic cylindrical tanks. Natural fertilizers can be used for the natural enrichment of the park's soil, (with strong benefits for the plants’ health and the quality of the consumable products), while supplying any surplus to any interested party. Also, it is possible to manage organic matter for the production of natural detergents, perfumes, cosmetics, clothing etc.
    To the same direction, the collection, sorting and processing of inorganic waste is planned for the production of building and construction materials. To this end, we propose the maintenance and restoration of the "AGET-IRAKLIS" (ex concrete production) facilities complex and their reuse as a Living Fab-Lab (Fabrication Laboratory), suitable for the processing of wood, metal, glass, plastic, ceramics, textiles or else. Ideally, the Lab can be equipped with CNC and 3D printing technologies, supported by Open Source software.

On the side, it is worth mentioning our attempt to introduce a complex method of “smart” eco-mobility through special, pedal powered mobile benches that can turn into cable-cars (teleferik), following a network of linear aerial routes. The pylons – nodes of the whole structure (along with the special lamp posts of the park) are designed to function also as rainwater collectors, bearing vertical (double-spiral) wind-turbines and PV cells [Image 9].
Last but not least, it is worth noting our intention to enhance the park's functions by various playful activities, both entertaining and educational. In particular, we attempt to connect the multiple functional units to a narrative plot for a Puzzle-based Quest-Exploration Game. We believe that such a collaborative multiplayer game could best stimulate people of all ages and induce them to carry out various engaging challenges, both physical and mental, based on the parks main functional needs (eg. water and energy management, agricultural practices, product transfer and disposal), in ways that could notably contribute to their best understanding and actual functional amplification.
    The game can also support the Interactive Museum of the Intervention Area, which can be organized within some of the existing preserved constructions, namely the Glassworks, the Electricity, the Chimney and the southern unity of old cylindrical reservoirs, after appropriate restoration interventions. The central theme of the museum will focus on the historical development of the Area, with a parallel - counterpoint emphasis on the former industrial facilities and the modern functions of the park. Especially for the Glassworks building, the logic of the museum is proposed to be organized in a non-linear way, on the basis of a rectangular "labyrinth" arrangement, made of glass-panels of different sizes, shapes, colors and transparency (as a reference to its old use), which, along with interesting lightings, projections and digital media visualizations, should be able to deliver many interactive elements and an attractive general atmosphere.



6. «The Orchard of Heaven»

Panhellenic Architectural Competition entitled: "Study of Integration of Points of Interest and Redevelopment of the area around the Archaeological Museum of Patras". November 2018. 

The main issue that the proposal must address concerns the restoration of the functional connection between the disconnected areas on either side of the National Road axis, especially in the section that is adjacent to the area of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NARF) and the area of the Archaeological Museum, with the extensive urban void to the south. The void in question is offered for the formation of an emblematic urban square, as an extension of the Museum, which in our case, is proposed to acquire a theme related to "celestial" - astronomical phenomena. 
After the comparative analysis of alternative ideas, our proposal starts from the rejection of the solution of the undergrounding of the New National Highway, which is judged to have a particularly high economic-technical and environmental cost, without yielding a counterbalanced operational benefit. Since the main request concerns the pedestrian crossing and not some wider problem in vehicle traffic (e.g. frequent traffic jams or the need for unhindered high-speed driving), instead of undergrounding the road we choose the milder solutions of an overpass - pedestrian bridge, the underground and the level crossing (with the introduction of a traffic light). These are clearly more economical solutions that would contribute to the saving of resources to be used on other more necessary needs. We point out that, beyond the economic and technical criteria, the solutions in question, properly designed to prevent any negative by-products and strategically placed in combination, are able to offer multiple benefits, both on a strictly urban and more broadly aesthetic level, as elements capable to contribute to the functional enrichment and performance of an interesting variety of spatial situations. 
The character of the pedestrian bridge can be rendered through an interesting prominent structure as a landmark, providing an emblematic "Gate" of the city. 
As the most appropriate point for the inclusion of such a construction, the point of intersection between the New National Road and Amerika Street, at the southern end of the study area, is proposed, as the most focal point in terms of functional density and corresponding traffic flows. Beyond its obvious functional importance, the point offers the necessary area for a configuration that organically integrates the pedestrian bridge into the space of the main square, through the use of ramps with a gentle slopes (suitable for the disabled, bicycles) and widened width, in a way that renders a relationship of functional and morphological continuity between the two areas. In particular, the side of the bridge that is close to the square is realized as an extensive building construction of a "landscape" character, capable of hosting the functions of a closed amphitheater and a library, combined with special areas of a reading room and a refreshment bar (foyer). 
Complementary to the pedestrian bridge, we introduce passages underground the road. The specific idea arose from the observation of the strong height difference between the street level and the NARF area, which approaches the height of a standard floor. This condition is recognized as extremely favorable, as the character of a “basement” will concern only one side, with the other being essentially on the "ground floor" level. The inclusion of such "semi-underground" passages strengthens the idea for the formation of an extensive area underground of the square, which can be utilized for the operation of a "Museum of the City" (with the possibility of hosting periodical exhibitions or other cultural events). 

It is worth pointing out that, although in general in the area we do not recognize any serious traffic problem, there is an issue related to the difficulty-impossibility of accessing the Museum for vehicles coming from the stream to Patras (from Athens). This problem is proposed to be solved in the gentlest possible way, i.e. by introducing an additional ground level crossing (with a traffic light) at the point in front of the Museum entrance, in combination with configurations at street level that allow direct vehicle access ( island remodeling). 
Other interventions are proposed with the aim of unifying the whole area, through a continuous network of pedestrian-bicycle paths, strengthening plantations in the direction of restoring continuous "green corridors", functional enrichment, aesthetic upgrading and the highlighting of individual special areas (e.g. Roman Bridge). Also, an important part of the proposal is the design of a hydrological network as a model for the management and wider utilization of water resources, both for the irrigation of planting elements and for wider aesthetic and bioclimatic aspects such as the improvement of the microclimate, the aesthetically pleasant performance of reflective surfaces (along with the increase of natural lighting) and watery soundscapes. 
Finally, all the individual functions and corresponding spatial units of the park are proposed to be part of the theme, structure and (non-linear) "narrative" plot of a complex exploration-quest-adventure game, based on combinational puzzles, which will be played by people of all ages and social strata, functionally and aesthetically enriching the entire configuration, while stimulating the interest for wider social participation in the practical applications that take place in its context.



7. «The Garden of Sisyphus»

Panhellenic Arch Competition entitled "Cremation Center for Dead and Bones" in the city of Patras.
February 2019.

Main idea
The general objectives of the proposal include a) the balanced inclusion of the construction on the given plot, with reference to the surrounding area (relationship with visual escapes – imaginary extension of main axes around the plot, combination of orthonormal systems with a direction parallel to that of the boundaries of the plot, connection with the green area that is intended to be formed in the northeast of the plot), b) the opening to the South (with the aim of maximum bioclimatic utilization of sunlight and heat, but also protection from the intense summer sun), c) the protection from strong north-westerly wind of the area, but also d) the performance of a satisfactory possibility of a view to the north-west (towards the city and the sunset).

Basic Drawings
The selection of one of the two main diagonals of the trapezoidal plot is chosen as the starting line. Specifically, the diagonal NE/SW direction is chosen, mainly due to the fact that the NE corner of the plot is suitable for the location of the central entrance to the site, as it is closest to the main axes of access and its direct relationship with the green space that is planned to be created in O.T. northeast of the plot. Moreover, said diagonal coincides with the solar azimuth in East and West on the days of the summer and winter solstice, which is consistent with synthetic intentions explained below). By means of the diagonal, a faster way of crossing the plot and distinguishing it into two approximately equivalent triangular sections - South-East and North-West of the plot, which could respectively undertake the building constructions and the outdoor configurations, is achieved, while an additional basic direction of the organizational "canvas" is offered (complementary to those defined by the lateral boundaries), which can significantly enhance the synthetic complexity in the rendering direction of a particular architectural physiognomy.

The North-South direction
From the point of intersection of the northern boundary of the plot with the vertical axis of the street... (which is estimated to be the main access axis to KAN), the exact North-South direction is drawn, which, in addition to an orientation element with universal in nature, it contributes the most to the correct placement of a building with the aim of optimal bioclimatic utilization of sunlight.

The "Golden" Spiral
Tangent to three sides of the plot and the North-South line, a "golden spiral" is precisely drawn, as a unifying element with a special - universal - symbolic meaning (symbol of "endless self-similarity") but also a manifold practical meaning (the analysis of which escapes the limits of this report, but it can generally be said that it lies in the maximization of the "edge effect", in the most economical and structurally stable way, which largely explains its appearance in a multitude of natural structures in all scales, from the genome to galaxies). Based on this spiral, which is realized as an emblematic axis of movement - walking, a composition of "golden spirals" is formed (with opposite direction of rotation, as a way of symbolizing the "turbulent" flow of Life and the World in general), from which results in a top view of a shape that refers to a fetus. It is a configuration perfectly suited to take over the basic elements of the NW courtyard area of ​​the plot, which, in addition to the configuration of the main outdoor memorial space, includes a large lake. In addition, the part of the basic spiral that enters the South-Eastern part (which includes the main building structures, is taken as an occasion for the functional and morphological separation of the Crematorium from the Refreshment, which is considered preferable to maintain the possibility of autonomous operation, regardless of the main Hatchery, thus contributing to the better use of the park. The above constitutes an interesting contrast between straight-triangular and curved (spiral, circular) forms, which is estimated to contribute to the highlighting and strengthening of the aesthetic value of both the demarcation of the KAN space is also included, with a synthetic treatment that goes beyond the conventional fencing along the boundaries of the plot.

The Constellations
In addition to these basic drawings, it is proposed to include a synthetic-arrangement rule of significant dispersion of points based on specific constellations, which is implemented in the space through special point elements of urban equipment with the main function of lighting. It is a design movement of a "poetic" order, with a desire to remind and highlight the great existential (seemingly psychotherapeutic) importance of contact with the starry sky4F 5 . Specifically, in 5 It is worth mentioning here the famous Egyptian Pyramids, perhaps the most emblematic burial monuments of human civilization, which are arranged based on the constellation of Orion. Also, it is worth noting that constellations with special significance are chosen, which either function as strong elements of orientation, recognition of time periods - eras, or refer, due to their name - and the history of their naming - in our mythological case, the Lyra constellations are chosen , Swan, Eagle, Little and Big Bear. The brightest elements of the first three (Vegas, Deneb, Altair) compose the so-called "Summer Triangle"5F 6 n. The other two are connected to the Pole Star, the "Compass of the Sky", as a point of recognition of the North, which coincides with extension of the Earth's axis (a fact that makes it the center of apparent rotation of the night sky). It is worth pointing out the special significance of the Lyra constellation, which refers to the myth of Orpheus (and indirectly Sisyphus), which refers to his descent into the Underworld of Hades to meet his beloved Eurydice (a moment where Sisyphus managed to reach his stone at the Top!). It is also noteworthy that the specific arrangement adapts perfectly to the given space, and in fact in a way that is able to refer to particular theoretical-philosophical interest (as far as possible related to the specific use of the space), or possess a particular aesthetic value (recognizable schematics), while the use of zodiac constellations is generally avoided (to avoid astrological connotations/associations and corresponding identifications with individual signs), except in exceptional cases that require more specific documentation. Of course, the choice of asterisms must be synthetically adapted to the given spatial condition. 6 http://physics4u.gr/blog/2017/07/30/%CE%B8%CE%B5%C F%81%CE%B9%CE%BD%CF%8C-%CF%84%CF%81 %CE%AF%CE%B3%CF%89%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85-%CE%BF%CF%85%CF%81%CE%B1% CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%8D/ further highlight the basic layouts, spatial units and other functional characteristics of the configuration. Still, it is worth pointing out that such a logic of spatial arrangement in the patterns of specific constellations, beyond the interesting perceptual game of trying to recognize them, becomes additionally exploitable, as a basic mechanism for activating an Exploration Game - nAdventure (in the general logic of "hidden treasure"), the special meaning of which is explained below.



8. Athens in the Center
Panhellenic Architectural Competition for the "Redevelopment of the city-center of Athens". June 2019.

The vision for the complete regeneration of the "Historical Triangle" of the Athens’ city-center looks forward to its functional, traffic, environmental and aesthetic upgrade, with the main goal of its Reinhabitation by wider population strata. The area of the "Historical Triangle" is organized as a single spatial unit, consisting of 4 distinct interdependent areas: the "Commercial Triangle", the Western Triangle (Gerani, Psirri, Koumoundourou areas), the intermediate zone of the Agora (between Sokrates-Euripidou streets and Koumoundourou-Klathmonos squares) and the area of Kerameikos. In this context, an attempt is made to redefine the identity of the area, by specializing the proposal in individual units - neighborhoods, emphasizing the historical socio-economic background that characterizes each one, their comparative advantages, their trends and dynamics, in a way that forms a network of complementary uses and activities, based on the principles of not only sustainable but regenerative design.
The main directions for the operational upgrade of the area are as follows: 
1. Return of Housing (with an emphasis on vulnerable social groups and students) 
2. Restoration and operational utilization of vacant - preserved buildigns
3. Dealing with tourism and overdevelopment of entertainment uses 
4. Strengthening infrastructures of young and healthy entrepreneurship - innovation 
5. Development of zones and networks of micro-breweries, arts&crafts workshops etc. 
6. Introduction & reinforcement of educational functions - schools 
7. Additional special (thematic) uses, integrated into characteristic areas, nodes and routes of the public space, following the general structure of an exploration-quest-adventure urban game, based on combinatorial puzzles. 
The importance of the sustainable management and networking of public spaces towards the better operation of the city and the quality of life of its residents is emphasized, in combination with the utilization of "green technology" devices and the highlighting of their multifunctional character, giving priority to the promotion of innovative entertainment and game-based educational activities. 
For the traffic (and environmental) upgrade of the Historical Triangle, a basic condition is the greatest possible removal of cars (ensuring the minimum necessary access and parking spaces for residents, food, cleaning and emergencies), along with the formation of an extensive network of cycle paths-pedestrians, combined with the support of modern flexible and ecological Means of Public Transport. In this direction, a radical restructuring of the traffic model of the wider area is considered necessary, which is based on the traffic logic that aims to prevent passing through the center when it is not a destination, with the parallel formation of peripheral Park & Ride junctions, to ensure easy, fast and relatively cheap access to the center without a car. 
The architectural scale of the proposal focuses on three Sections: 

A) Kotzia square, Municipality Athens: mild interventions are proposed in Kotzia square, such as the removal of the perimetric railing of the archaeological site and its replacement with a sitting-shelter, construction of simple sunshades around the sides of the square, rearrangement of elements of equipment, kiosks etc. On the empty plot at the junction of Aiolou & Stadiou street, we proposed the integration of an emblematic building structure with the function of a National “Gameteque”, i.e. an Interactive Museum of the History of Play&Games, which could result in a Model School of Alternative, Game-centered Education. 

B) Gerani - Theater Square: we propose the demolition of the elevated structure in Varvakeios Square and its redesign, with the aim of forming a direct functional and visual connection to Theater Square, along with the concentration of open-air food market functions and the liberation of the sides from car lanes, for the connection with the side buildings and the development of tall trees. In addition, a special function of a productive-botanical garden inside a greenhouse with translucent photovoltaic canopies is proposed, for the implementation of a model system of Vertical Aquaculture, in a maze layout, to maximize the functional surface and conduct a complex educational quest-inquiry adventure game! 

C) Kerameikos - Technopolis - Iera Odos (Holy Road): we propose the demolition of the old train station warehouses and its replacement with a modern “landscape” building construction, as an extension of the surrounding squares-parks, with a parallel provision of extensive interior space, suitable for the inclusion of a Museum of the History of Architecture. In addition, we proposed to remodel the park in the area of the former Korean Market, with the aim of unifying and functionally enriching it, through the formation of a water landscape of lakes - natural pools, suitable for swimming (during summer) or an alternative use of a skateboard park. The configuration also results in an important water reservoir, capable of contributing to the prevention of flooding in the wider area (connection with the stream of Iridanos).



9. Patras on the Sea: a coastal linear park of eco-productive play

Panhellenic Architecture Competition entitled "Redevelopment of the Seafront of Patras".
June 2020.

General Synthetic Principles
The design of an extensive public space with the character of an urban recreation park is called upon to compose a complex functional and morpho-structural ecosystem, governed by a coherent and internally consistent system of synthetic principles, capable of rendering the necessary aesthetic continuity and a recognizable architectural character to the entire project. The key elements we consider to constitute such a character are summarized under the concept of "Playful Eco-Landscape Architecture, which attempts a critical synthesis of design principles:
a) Landscape Architecture1 and "Landscape" Architecture,
b) Bioclimatic Planning and "Physical Construction"
c) Permaculture
d) of "Musical" Architecture
e) of "Economic Gamification"13

13 The concept of "Gamification" describes the process of integrating various spatio-temporal elements of any function and scale into an interactive condition (digital and non-digital) that utilizes the mechanics of various types of games, with the main goal of mobilizing the active participation of people in various activities , capable of unfolding in parallel or even in association with the conventional functions of a spatial field. The specific designation of gamification as "ecosophical" refers to the concept of ecosophia as defined by Felix Guattari as "an ethical-political articulation between Environmental, Social General interventions Beyond rendering a particularly extensive surface of public space accessible to pedestrians and people with disabilities ,
Cycle path (approx. 7 km long), with local modification of the approved route
Single Line Tram
As it is planned to carry out projects for an underground railway line for freight trains bound for Neo Limenas, it is proposed to replace and supplement the existing urban train line with a tram line, with a total length of 7km. (5.5 km. in the intervention area + approximately 1.5 km. extension north to the Agiya marsh (connection of South and North park) and south to Neos Limenas and the industrial zone (in the perspective of wider operational utilization of the important existing building stock) In particular, the design of a single lane is proposed, ensuring the double direction through the formation of double and the Mental Ecology" and aims at the application of educational entertainment methods, based on the utilization of the possibilities offered by specific types of games (strategy, role-playing, search-exploration, adventure, solving puzzles, etc.), to the extent that they are deemed suitable for the effective promotion and successful implementation of a modern ecological and participatory planning strategy, for all scales (spatial, age and social). for reasons of economy - cost and space (especially in the case of the narrowness of the road axis in the section adjacent to the Marina). In addition, it is proposed to investigate the possibility of abolishing the two junction points of the railway line with the road axis (in Agios Andreas and Agios Dionysios) and restoring the connection with the train through corresponding transfer stations. In parallel and in combination with the tram line, two basic interventions are proposed at the level of infrastructure and urban equipment, with multiplier benefits in the perspective of the proper ecological management of urban issues that are recognized as pivotal:

Model system of ecological management of urban waste

It is also proposed to utilize the tram line for the implementation of a standard system of ecological management (recycling and composting) of inorganic and organic waste.
In particular, each tram stop is equipped with expanded capacity recycling bins for inorganic and organic waste, which are placed along the stop, on its border with the adjacent zones, simultaneously functioning as a protective element, but also as a "back" for the station's seating areas. As the key component of a good waste management process is "separation at source", each bin is intended for a different material and will have a different color accordingly (the color difference is suggested to be done in a way that yields a continuous color spectrum, an element that can offers additional aesthetic interest). The removal of waste can be carried out at regular intervals by a wagon specially configured for this purpose, through which the waste will be collected in suitably configured tanks at the southern end of the area (near the new port), from where it can be redirected to special further processing units. Ideally, it is proposed to explore the possibility of setting up such a unit in one of the existing abandoned industrial shells of the area opposite the new port.



10. “The Eternal Flower: A Playful Earthship”

International Architectural Competition entitled "Spirala Community Center", for the design of the central multifunctional building of the Spirala eco-community in the countryside of central Portugal.
June 2021.

General Principles - Criteria
The proposal is formed based on the general principles of Bioclimatic Landscape Architecture and Permaculture, combined with certain techniques of Designing "Serious" Games and playscapes. To all these fields of design, which mainly refer to natural and cultural "ecologies", we must add the crucial factor of economy, which means the care for configurations with relatively low construction and maintenance costs. We must also emphasize our pursuit of a design product that can have many possibilities for rearrangements and adaptations that will be determined in a later phase, according to the needs and capabilities of the users, together with the local legal restrictions.

Central Idea: From the Circle to the Spiral
The central idea can be broken down into the following categories of specific goals and design options:
- Aesthetics: The initial choice concerns the need to render a spiral form-structure, able to symbolically reflect the wider worldview of the entire project of the Spirala eco-community, in a way that integrates and highlights the wider structural and functional significance of the shape. Additionally, we are looking for an interesting narrative plot to include the parts of the building's "body" to stimulate users' imagination and "deeper understanding" of its unity.
- Structure: The basic movements are as follows: a basic circular shape is broken into 6 equal circular sectors (at an angle of 60°), which are then rotated to form a self-supporting roof (reciprocal roof), a structural system that yields a visibly spiral effect. These six pieces form the main shell of the building. The central hexagonal roof opening is covered by a Schwedler glass dome (with one-way diagonal elements) in a way that follows and highlights the spiral effect of the reverse construction. The corresponding triangular glass parts of the dome can be made of colored glass, so that a spectrum of colored glass spiral strips is formed, referring to a "rainbow" (hence the name of the dome as "Rainbow Dome"). In addition to the main structural elements (sloping beams), the building shell is designed in a way to provide ample (controlled) natural light to the interior of the building, but also in a way that the exterior of the roof is easily accessible and planted, providing a "green" landscaping in continuity with the environment. This triple objective can be achieved by breaking down the surface into a series of successive horizontal elements (secondary structural cross-beams), which can function both as stairs for the exterior and blinds/shades for the interior. These elements can be better implemented as "half-tubes" (with a semi-circular cross-section) to let light enter the building more "smoothly", but also to be able to maintain a minimum amount of soil suitable for grass, shrubs and herbs to grow , thus forming a sloping green roof, which can act as a giant 'botanical spiral' (a more symbolic way of planting herbs, known for its many great functional benefits).
The 6 "spaces" between the "sectors" provide space for movement in and out of the building, which are configured as ramps to provide accessibility for the disabled. More specifically, it is proposed to have a) 3 low grade ramps leading from the exterior to the main floor (which is -1.2m below ground level) and b) 3 high grade ramps from the main floor to a underground space (located at a height of -2.3 m. below the level of the main floor), which can include various auxiliary spaces.
The placement of the main floor level at a slight depression in relation to the ground level is carried out mainly to provide a space of sufficient height to the building gates (2.1m), in a way that does not affect the need for continuity between the building form and of the surrounding ground (providing access to the roof). It is also preferred for its structural, functional and bioclimatic benefits (stability, protection), along with some aesthetic and symbolic ones (eg proximity to the 'earth'). We note that the amount of soil that will be extracted from the construction site will be used where necessary for the adjustment-leveling of the soil in the surrounding area and elsewhere within the community territory.